“Why Me??” to “I’m Glad It’s Me..”

One morning in our office, my manager approach me and said: “Hey, our company will be having a community service later, you will be the one to represent our team.” I had no choice but to say yes to my boss. But in my mind, I was asking this questions: “Why me? Am I the only one here who is not busy? Am I the only one here whose job is not so important? These are the questions that keeps on repeating in my head even in our way to the venue.

Then finally, we are in the venue, a resettlement site in a barangay of the city where my company is.
I don’t know if what I felt is shocked or what, because of so many children, with very little age gap, who are already in the venue.In a very small area in that barangay, you will be amazed to the number of children in that area.
The program started, we conducted medical services, gift giving to all the children, games, singing, dancing and giving of packages to all the families in the site. We are already sweating and we all felt hungry after the program.
But the most surprising thing is that, my disgust I felt in the morning was already turned into happiness and fulfillment. I’m so happy and feeling fulfilled because I was able to help those children in the resettlement site, not by giving money, but by giving my time to help and entertain them. I saw the happiness in everyone of them that really reflects in me.
When we go home, I can’t hide my happiness and excitement to share my experience to my officemates.
And my question in the morning, “Why me??, turned into a statement: I’m glad it’s me.”

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